
Measuring ROI with HubSpot, HubSpot vs Google Analytics

Written by Jennifer Gross | Feb 7, 2022 12:53:34 PM

HubSpot is incredibly powerful CRM software that can help you connect the dots between marketing and reporting. Having a good digital marketing strategy and thoroughly executing it can only take you so far. Once you’ve improved the SEO of core website pages, posted on social media, and run digital ads, you’ll want to know how well those tactics are working for your business. You can feel confident in the work you put out there; but knowing how it performs with your audience and how well it translated into sales is key.

Once you start using HubSpot, you’ll find there are three ways the platform connects the dots between your marketing efforts and reporting. We break it all down below – with a somewhat controversial #3.

#1 HubSpot is Easy to Learn

Knowing how comprehensive and useful HubSpot can be, you may feel intimidated to learn how to navigate it all. Yet it’s actually really easy to learn. Many of our clients like to be hands-on within HubSpot. Most of our partners don’t have a background in marketing, but they’re able to learn this tool without any stress.

When you work with TKG, there isn’t a rule that you must go into HubSpot yourself. However, our clients find that they like to use it, even if it’s just sales pipeline tools of the Hubspot CRM. One of the nice aspects of using HubSpot’s various hubs is that you still only have to learn one platform. You won’t have to take a crash course on a dozen disparate platforms and software.

As a perk of partnering with TKG, we offer HubSpot training. We don’t just set it up and keep it running for you. We can teach you how to use it and find ways to get the most out of the platform. That way you can focus on running your business.

#2 Create Customized Reporting

The ability to pull an incredible variety of data from HubSpot is great. But how do you organize it? What does it look like? HubSpot offers a variety of dashboards for their Hubs so you can organize the data that is important to your business in a way that makes sense to you.

Want to see how your landing pages are performing? Done! Need to see where customers are dropping out of your email workflows? Easy. Curious where to invest your crypto? Ok, HubSpot can’t do literally everything. But you can pull in data from the different Hubs and dial it in to what you need.

The dashboards will help you efficiently decide if your marketing strategy and sales efforts are performing as they should be. Our clients appreciate that they can export PDF versions of the dashboards to use in executive meetings and internal communications. These reports provide visuals that are clean and easy to read, even for your coworkers who’ve never heard of HubSpot.

#3 HubSpot is Better than Google Analytics

Yes, we think HubSpot is better than Google Analytics. That’s a bold statement to back up, so let us try…

Google Analytics helps you report on the traffic coming to your site. You can see which pages are performing well, which ones need improvement, how users move through the site, and where customers are converting. HubSpot can do all this and more.

Think of it this way… Google Analytics collects all the traffic into a parking lot of data. On the other hand, HubSpot is like an air traffic controller going viral for dancing on the airport runway – it has the spunk to get you where you need to go. (Ok, we’re getting lost in metaphors; let’s continue.)

The more you take advantage of HubSpot’s industry-leading features, the more powerful your reporting will be. By using website tools, social media, email and marketing automation, landing pages, A/B testing, and more, HubSpot will have literally all the information it needs to report on any facet you want to take a look at.

In fact, HubSpot is a roundtrip ticket through your customer journey. Google Analytics can only take you so far. With HubSpot, you’ll know where users entered the site, what goals they completed (such as filling out a request a quote form on a specific product page), which sales person they were assigned to, what they’ve purchased, and so on.

You can look at your business’s performance from a high level or go into fine details. You’re able to take a more holistic approach in deciding what areas you need to improve. All of the data is in one tool, which eliminates the need to pull information from Google Analytics and then match it up with reporting from separate social media and email platforms.

Work with a HubSpot Certified Partner

The Karcher Group is a HubSpot Platinum Certified Agency Partner. And, many of our team members have HubSpot certifications from their Academy program.

We can help you get the most out of your HubSpot experience. When you work with a certified partner of HubSpot, you won’t have to worry about the nitty gritty and comb through endless Google searches to find the solution you need. We’ll be there to help – and if we don’t have the answer, we’ll know exactly who to reach at HubSpot.

Contact TKG to discuss how HubSpot can help your business grow.